SkyWatch Friday

13 November 2009

SkyWatch Friday

Click the Logo below for more SkyWatch pictures from all over the world.
Sky Watch LogoJavan Myna on top of electric post.
Javan Myna

Common Iora foraging on Olfera tree .
Common Iora

Zebra Dove on top of the house's roof.
Zebra Dove

Road to Bukit Rengit, via Mempaga Felda Scheme.
Construction site for a


eileeninmd said...

Wonderful bird photos. The Myna has cool looking eyes. Great photos.

Sylvia K said...

Beautiful birds and lovely skies! Marvelous shots and just doesn't get any better than this, Tabib!

Enjoy your weekend!


rainfield61 said...

Myna is very common in Malaysia. Many people hate them becuase of their noise level and the dropping.

Amila Salgado said...

Iora is my pick - looks like you've bumped up ISO for that as the bird was in shade...

arabesque said...

not really familiar with birds,.. tnx for sharing!
the close up look on them was perfect! ^-^

Anonymous said...

Tak cantik! ;)

Chris said...

Superb Tabib. The second one is may favorite there. it is sharp and we see well the species in its environment, I love that!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Tabib: Beautiful show of the birds in the sky. That second one looks like an American Goldfinch.