Tukang Jahit dan Si Gila

08 November 2009

Tukang Jahit dan Si Gila

I hope all of you not boring, for I keep posting this tailor and mad bird. ;)
Tailor Bird

Murai Gila- Pied Fantail


eileeninmd said...

They are both gorgeous birds. I could never get tired of seeing your beautiful bird photos. Keep them coming!

rainfield61 said...

Murai Gila, mengapa dia boleh jadi gila?

sham_arma said...

Murai's crazy because too many things happen in the world, lately....or b'cause of it's miss something....:)

Lindy said...

Not boring at all! It is very fascinating to see your wonderful photographs!

fufu said...

wow nice!! teach me how to snap pictures of bird... i know it's not an easy task...need more patient besides the skill right??

Amila Salgado said...

Never boring Tabib. Keep up the good work.