Wagtail and Yellow Flowers at Lady Guillemard

16 November 2009

Wagtail and Yellow Flowers at Lady Guillemard

My second encounter with the same bird that I posted last week (Bungalow Guard).
This bird apparently stayed at this site - Junction between Lady Guillemard Road, Peninjau Road and Valley Road. It feed on insects that attracted to the street light.
Like last week, it was very obligating and not afraid of my camera and flash light.

Wah Tail on Side MirrorDaylily (Hemerocallis fulva) and Honey bee (Apis sp.)
Flower and BeeMiror miror of the car, who is pretiest of all?
Wag Tail with Car's MirrorSunflowers (Helianthus annuus)
Sun FlowerGrey Wagtail (Motacilla cinerea) looking at an insect (probably a wingless termite soldier, that we called Mengkiak /Cengkiak)
Wag TailMarigold Flowers (Tagetes erecta) - ?Bunga Tahi Ayam
Bunga Tahi Ayam - Yellow Flower
Today's Flowers LogoClick the above logo for more flowers from all over the world


tony said...

Well taken as always Tabib. love visiting your blog such color in the life you have, the last shot looks very similar to the African Marigold.nice one of the sunflower and lilly. the wagtail looks like a mix of our yellow wagtail male and female. yours are more vain than ours, lovely shots

Wilma said...

Great shots, as always, Tabib. Wonder who that is visiting the daylily? Some kind of blue and orange wasp?

rainfield61 said...

i do not know whether the wagtail will go back with you if the window is open.

An Asian Tour Operator said...

I think the wagtail watched mirror :-)

Jama said...

The bird must be looking at himself in the mirror! coincidentally I too post pictures of sunflowers in my entry.

ellen said...

awesome! mine is up. God Bless!!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

The third photo of the bird looking at itself is priceless.

You are a great photographer.

came via Jama's.

eden said...

gorgeous photos. i love the wagtail looking at the mirror the most.

Gunilla said...

Great shots.
Nice birds and flowers.
Thanks for sharing

Gunilla in Sweden

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Tabib: Neat series of the flower and bird of similar colors.

Choy Wai Mun said...

I like the shot of the wagtail with your car. Great stuff.