Another Bukit Rengit Birds

02 December 2009

Another Bukit Rengit Birds

This Pied Hornbill greet me at 7:07am with his loud "keng-keng" sound, at the access road to Bukit Rengit.
He doesn't mind, I stopped my car, and slowly set my camera gear. The weather was still dark with slight drizzling, so I had to push the ISO to 3200 (my first time using such a high ISO)
Pied Horn Bill

Banded Woodpecker (Picus miniaceus), doing it usual 'tok-tok' jab.

Dusky Broadbill (Corydon sumatranus), tried to hide from me.
Dusky BroadbillCaught a pair very high up on the tree top.
Dusky BoradBill

Greater Racquet-tailed Drongo (Dicrurus paradiseus), proud sang on top of leafless tree.
Click for the song (recorded by Khong Tuck Khoon)


Streaked Bulbul (Ixos malaccensis) searching for insect under the broadleaved tree.
ID Correction: Chestnut-rumped Babbler (Stachyris maculata), Thanks to Terence Ang


Tony nile life said...

Glamorous birds Tabib and in natural suroundings.

Chris said...

Hi tabib,
Nice set of wonderful birds once again... I'm starting to count and get some info to know how many you got there... This is just incredible!

eileeninmd said...

Cool birds and photos. I would love to see a Hornbill.

Terence Ang said...

are you sure that Streaked Bulbul is a bulbul?
It look like a chesnut-rumped babbler to me.

Redzlan said...

Terence, thanks for ID.
I'm bad in ID, especially Babbler and Warbler.

Madibirder said...

Nice collection from Rengit Doc. Looks like a good time to go there.