Bee-eater Roosting site

10 December 2009

Bee-eater Roosting site

Blue-throated Bee-EaterI was jogging around my housing area at 6.40pm when a large flock of Bee-Eater came and feed on insect over head. This phenomenon has been going on at around 6.30 to 7.00pm for the past 2 weeks.
As I made a final round at 7.00pm, I noticed the birds descended onto a small tree (Rhodamnia sp.) inside the Telecom Store compound near the JPJ Building. Oh!.. What a great sight!.
I ran toward my house, assembled the camera with flash. Quickly drove toward the site. The guardsman was not in, luckily the gate was not locked. So, I sneak in and fired a few shoots.
Later the 'Jaga' came and told me that this bird have been roosting there for a few night.

Here are a few record shots. Difficult to focus on that poor evening light.
Blue-throated Bee-Eater in Flight
Flock of Bee-eater
Bee-eater Roosting
Bee-eater RoostingBlue-throated Bee-eater (Merops viridis) roosting on Brown Malletwood (Rhodamnia sp. ?trinervia?)
Bee-eater Roosting


Chris said...

Gorgeous post Tabib, but I would have remove the flash effect in photoshop if I can suggest that. I love bee-eaters they are one of the most spectacular bird!

Lois said...

That's a real pretty light green color!

Tony nile life said...

Wow such a lot in one colony the most I see of our Little green bee-eater (merops orientalis),is about eight,
must have been a wonderful sight.

Terence Ang said...

great shot and great docementation

Madibirder said...

Wow, so many

SandyCarlson said...

Those are incredible. What a big group.

Chandrika Shubham said...

I have never seen so many bee-eaters together. Cute shots of cute birds. :)

Best wishes.

myonlyphoto said...

Tabib wow these are very cool photos. Anna :)