26 December 2009

Birding at MS Garden Hotel Kuantan

MS Garden Hotel now known as Grand Darulmakmur Hotel
Male Pink-necked Green Pigeon at MS Garden Hotel Kuantan
I was surprised to find this 'Burung Punai' -Pink-necked Green Pigeon (Treron vernans) at the busy area, just outside the MS Garden Hotel swimming pool.
Apparently this bird roost at this "Beremban Bukit' tree - Duabanga grandiflora.

Female Pink-necked Green Pigeon (Treron vernans)
The female Pigeon  pearched at the 'Jambu Batu' tree - (Psidium guajava).
I took this picture from the first-floor balcony, using a towel as a support for my lens.

Glossy Starling and Brown Shrike
This common winter migrant, the Brown Shrike, is foraging with an Asian Glossy Starling at dead tree.

White-Bellied Sea Eagle
I spotted this White-Bellied Sea Eagle very far away, about 1km from the hotel, flew over the Kuantan River.
I also saw Oriental Pied Hornbill not far from the hotel's car park.

Sea Eagle