Flowers that look like Chili

07 December 2009

Flowers that look like Chili

I don't know the name of this flowers. It look like CHILI of green and red variety.
Photographed this at Fraser's Hill a few weeks ago.
Chili like Flowers

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Chris said...

beautiful shot Tabib.... I love this flower...

Unknown said...

I went to our orchid garden last Sunday for photo shot but its was closed for public.They say many colorful orchid & flower there.
Anyway beautiful shot of cili flower & have a nice day.

Japa said...

Beautiful showery bouquet-like flowers. The green pods must be seeds to start a new plant?

ANUAR ZAIN said...

The first one looks like 'maman' to me! Nice shot brother!

Anonymous said...

Very pretty shots of flowers, it makes me long for them to bloom here

Paula Werner Severo said...

very beautiful .. go to my blog and see a prize to you!

Lois said...

They are quite pretty!