Hill Myna Song - Suara Tiong Emas

06 December 2009

Hill Myna Song - Suara Tiong Emas

Tiung Emas - Hill Myna
Hill Myna (Gracula religiosa)
Tiung Emas - Hill MynaAlign Left
Click for the Song (taken from Xeno-canto Asia; recorded by Sander Pieterse & Ben Wielstra)

a few seconds before it flow off..
Hill Mynapreening..
Hill Myna Preening

Have a look for more bird pictures at the Bird Photography Weekly @ Birdfreak.


eileeninmd said...

Cool shots of the Myna bird. I would love to see and hear the Myna bird.

Anonymous said...

Noisy critters, aren't they? I guess that comes with being a myna.

Terence Ang said...

Very nice. Its been a while I have not seen this bird in the wild.

Unknown said...

Awesome shots of an incredible bird.
He's so beautiful!
And yeah, well, noisy ;)
I've never seen one of this kind!

mick said...

Nice photos and the bird song is very beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I've not heard any bird song similar to that..very pretty....Michelle

Andrew said...

Thanks for posting the sound! I'm going to have to visit Malaysia soon!

Bob Kaufman said...

Great shot of the mynah and the song is just wonderful!