Mountain Red-bellied Squirrel

15 December 2009

Mountain Red-bellied Squirrel

Not many birds to shoot, so I had to be contented with this Mountain Squirrel.
New species for me. What do you call if you find new mammal?, also a LIFER? ;)

Mountain Red-bellied Squirrel

Mountain Red-bellied Squirrel or Pallas's Squirrel- (Callosciurus erythraeus)


EcoRover said...

Wow, I've been browsing your site and am impressed by the professional quality bird pics. Like your squirrel, too--we have pine squirrels here, and on those days when no other creature is stirring, they are cheerfully out & about.

Chris said...

Beautiful guy! It's funny how different it is from our European squirrel... It does not have these long ears covered with hear and the fur is quite short.. Interesting!

rainfield61 said...

To capture a squirrel is not much easier than to take the photo of a bird.