Burung Punai Gading - Pink-necked Green Pigeon

13 December 2009

Burung Punai Gading - Pink-necked Green Pigeon

I dedicated this post of Burung Punai for all the boys that recently have their 'punai' cut during this school holiday ;-)
Burung Punai Terbang
male in flight
3 ekor Burung Punai

Pink-necked Green Pigeon (Treron vernans) - two female and one male.

Burung Punai

Feeding on Leban tree


Anonymous said...

Wow, I just love the colors on this bird!

Autumn Belle said...

Haha, that is very humurous. But this is a lovely bird that looks like a colourful dove. Tabib, can you please kindly visit my post to day at the following link:


I need your help in identifying a yellow bird I spotted at The Secret Garden of 1-Utama.

Thanks a gazillion.

rainfield61 said...

I still think they are fake. LOL.

Terence Ang said...

Nice one Tabib. Nice write up ya!

Phil Slade said...

What fantastic camouflage this bird has against those bushes.