Bukit Tinggi 17 January 2010

19 January 2010

Bukit Tinggi 17 January 2010

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Panoramic view of a Japanese Garden in Bukit Tinggi, Pahang. The is the main birding area,where the constant lighting at a flower nursery attract insects and birds. (Picture credit to Choo Tse Chien)

Panorma view at Japanese Garden - Bukit Tinggi, Pahang
I was with more than 20 bird photographers from Malaysia and Singapore at Bukit Tinggi, Pahang on Sunday.
This beautiful bird was the main attraction.
Orange-headed Thrush (Zoothera citrina) - male
Full frame shot with 400mm + 1.4TC at ISO 1600. Just edited with a bit of sharpening and resize with Photoshop CS2.
Upper part of the wing was over exposed due to spot of sunlight shining through the leaves.
Still not master the exposure technique. This is an excuse for another visit to this highland. ;)

Orange-headed Thrush (Zoothera citrina)
This one was edited with +20 saturation

Orange-Headed Thrush at Bukit Tinggi, Pahang
This picture below was edited with Photofiltre with reviving colour and noise reduction with Noiseware community edition ver 2.6

Orange-headed Thrush (Zoothera citrina)
Here a few photographers with bazookas, waiting for that orange bird to land. Not in the forest, but on the main road with so many tourists.

Photographers waiting for bird
Picture above with my Nokia N79 and below by Choo Tse Chien with iPhone 3GS .

Bird Photographer at Bukit Tinggi, Pahang
Jimmy Tan, Sreedharan, Wong, TS Chien, yours truly and two photog that I can't remember their name.


Orange-Headed Thrush - Wound healed
Here a redo picture, taken 5 days later with better lighting.
Orange-headed Thrush (Zoothera citrina)
This was taken last year - 2009:02:27
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Wai Yien said...

wow...so crowded. Nice photo Doc.

rainfield61 said...

The birds are watching.

Madibirder said...

I was thinking of going there for this bird. It's going to be crowded for quite some time, I guess. Nice shot Doc.

Choy Wai Mun said...

Nice shot of the thrush!

Mike said...

Tabib, good to see that birders (Twitchers in the UK) are alive and well in Malaysia.

Their photographic equipment rather puts mine to shame.

Nice shot of the bird too!

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

Beautiful bird, great to see all the interest in photography. Yes, I would send you some Mangoes if possible, all the neighbours got some! Most people, even if they have the space do not plant fruit trees any more. Such a shame, as they are the best one can have. Not only humans profit from them also birds and other creatures!

Terence Ang said...

nice OHT photo

Anonymous said...

jees" no wonder you get good photos. few quids worth of gear there and here is me with my 75-300 efs lens waiting for a bird to drop in front of the camera.

Sylvia K said...

Wow, those are BIG cameras! Your shots are always exquisite and I love being able to see these beautiful and colorful birds up close thanks to your photos! Have a great week!


Jossie said...

What a beautiful bird. Worth waiting for! I am also very impressed by the photo equipment of those photographers. I feel very small with my simple Kodak.

eileeninmd said...

Gorgeous bird, I can see why so many want to see it. It would be the main attraction for me too.

Anonymous said...

Wow!.. army in action!.
I hope this little bird survive.

Ghost said...

I hope all of you were not stress this bird.
In the excitement of photography, the birds welfare must be the first priority.
Happy birding!

Chris said...

Wow Tabib,
What a collection of birder.. THis nice bird was quite successful in attracting you all! Well he is gorgeous, so no doubt everybody wanted to have a shot at him. Nice pictures!

Oman said...

ooooh. i love the bird. truly wonderful images. another place wandered. thanks for sharing.

The Good Life in Virginia said...

wow...what a group of photographers...the thrush is quite a stunning bird. i think you captured it beautifully....

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many thousands worth of photographic gears gathering up there there.
This must be a hobby for the rich. :)

Gemma Wiseman said...

Stunning looking bird! Vibrant orange! And I love that line up of phtographers! The equipment must be so heavy and awkward to carry around but would take wonderful close ups!

Carolyn Ford said...

What a beautiful feathered friend! Wow! And those are some mighty serious cameras all vying for the capture!

SandyCarlson said...

So very, very nice!