22 January 2010

Orange-Headed Thrush - repeat shot

I am not very satisfied with the image quality of Orange-Headed Thrust that I photographed last Sunday (17/01/2010. So, I went again to Bukit Tinggi for a redo.
Initially I was worried finding the gardeners was replanting the new flowers at exact place that we photographed this bird on Sunday. The old bamboo perch was gone.

Bukit Tinggi
I went to Japanese garden looking for Silver-breasted Broadbill and returned to OHT site after one hour. There he was walking up and down under the shade of Rhododendron plant, oblivious to presence of gardeners working and chatting nearby.

No bird photographer with big lenses. Only one Chinese couple and a Malay family from Seremban (who also into birding but his Nikon with Sigma lens was not functioning). I had this beautiful bird for my self.
Now no more burnout wing. I ended the session at 11.30am, arrived home in time for Friday prayer.
Zoothera citrina innotata - male

Orange-Headed Thrush - redo photography
This two images are full frame, no crop.

Orange-Headed Thrush - redo photography
I don't know what happened to the patch of feather at (L) upper breast. Could this a molting process?, or the bird pecked his skin to get rid of mite?. Could this a disease or diet unbalance, due to eating the same worm from the shop? .
The picture below shows the 'wound' healed after some medication from Photofiltre Clinic.

Orange-Headed Thrush - Wound healed

This one crop for vertical presentation.

Orange-Headed Thrush - redo photography