Tiger of High Hill

28 January 2010

Tiger of High Hill

Tiger Shrike (Lanius tigrinus)

Tiger Shrike


Madibirder said...

Sharp looking tiger

Wilma said...

You really captured the texture in the feathers. Lovely.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is some serious multipurpose seed cracker he has!

An Asian Tour Operator said...


Andrew said...

WOW! Just beautiful!

rainfield61 said...

A tiger that flies!!! Wow!!!

Jordan Sitorus said...

Excellent shot!

Wong Tsu Shi said...

Congrats, this is very good quality shot.

Anzu said...

You can notice them quickly !

可愛い 鳥を ありがとう。

Glennis said...

A cute little fellow with a big heavy beak. Nice shot.