Kelicap Gunung

02 February 2010

Kelicap Gunung

Although I had seen the female species last November, this Male Black-throated Sunbird is my lifer.
Found this at the same bottle-brush tree as the preview leaf-bird.
Offcourse male is more colourful than female.

Black-throated Sunbird (Aethopyga saturata) - Kelicap Gunung
Black-throated Sunbird (Aethopyga saturata)


Lois said...

I really like the purple color on his head and tail.

Chris said...

What a lifer again. I guess you were pretty happy to get also a very nice picture of it.. Congrats! This is a gorgeous bird!

Madibirder said...

Stunning colours, well done doc.

rainfield61 said...

The kelicap gunung is looking at a "rambutan".

Choy Wai Mun said...

Nice shot!

Anonymous said...

Wow. In California, we get lots of humming birds on the bottle brush trees. The sunbird is magnificent.

wondersf said...

Superb colouring on the sunbird and good details on the bottle brush. Congrats!

NatureFootstep said...

in this photo I love both the bird and the flower. :)

Jordan Sitorus said...

Capturing the glossy feather is the most challenging have done it nicely. Sweet shot! amazing