Flowerpecker and Oriole - SkyWatch Friday

19 March 2010

Flowerpecker and Oriole - SkyWatch Friday

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Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker

Oriole resting at Banana Leaf


Chris said...

Hi Tabib,
These are two beautiful species.. I love he second picture better because the light is better and the composition too ;-)

Sylvia K said...

Terrific shots as always, Tabib! Particularly love the second one! Hope you have a great weekend!


Jim said...

Sydney - City and Suburbs

indicaspecies said...

These are adorable shots!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Tabib: What a very cool shot of that second bird with the seeds.

Anonymous said...

Very good pictures at that high ISO setting.
I guess this must be hand held for such a high shutter speed.
Any news of Orioles nestling?

Ghost said...

That must be male Scarlet-backed Flower pecker perched and feeding on mistletoe flowers.
Very good lighting of Oriolus chinensis with food in mouth.
This is the kind of picture where the bird will wait and stay still (if it sense danger) at some distance from its nest, before proceed to feed their chicks.

Keong said...

Hi Tabib...wow...my first visit to your site and already I am inspired with your perseverance and knowledge.
Great job!

Joanne Olivieri said...

Oh, they are both so cute and the first one is my favorite. I love how he just blends right in with the photo.