Knight's Star - Hippeastrum Vittatum

28 April 2010

Knight's Star - Hippeastrum Vittatum

Family: Amaryllidaceae - Hippeastrum Vittatum hybrtid

Kau Bunga Ku!
Old and new


Chris said...

Superb Amaryllidae Tabib... You should attempt to do a macro of the flower heart ;-)

Kate-Marita Pettersen said...

How beautiful!!
Have a nice weeek:)

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Hello Doktor,

Long time no read your posts. I used to grow this in Singapore. Very chantek.

Lois said...

A very pretty color!

DeniseinVA said...

A super flower, such a beautiful color. Thanks so much for sharing.