Mulut Murai

24 April 2010

Mulut Murai

Mulut Murai = Chatterbox = An obnoxious and foolish and loquacious talker.

Click the button below to hear a cheerful song.
Recorded by Patrik Åberg from Xeno-canto Asia.

Burung Murai

Murai, Magpie Robin - female
Murai - Oriental Magpie Robin -female (above) and male (below)
Murai jantan


Joanne Olivieri said...

They are calling to each other. Wonderful shots.

rainfield61 said...

It has a sweet voice. though we call them mulut murai.

eileeninmd said...

Great capture of the chattering bird, Tabin!

Kcalpesh said...

Awesome! The birds you pictured seem to be extremely chirpy and expressive!

Pixellicious Photos

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Tabib: Very nice captures, love the second photo the best.

Bangchik and Kakdah said...

They seem to be around the house here in Putrajaya very early in the morning. They wake us up for morning prayer I guess. But they are gone when the sun appears.

Phil Slade said...

I love that middle picture Tabib. You captured so much colour in a black and white bird.

Costea Andrea Mihai said...

beautiful blor...superb captures!!

Unknown said...

murai is the best sound bird .................