Agong's Birthday Holiday - birding at Fraser's Hill

06 June 2010

Agong's Birthday Holiday - birding at Fraser's Hill

Went up to Fraser's Hill during Agong's (King's) Birthday Holiday yesterday.
Here are a few common birds. No lifer - spotted one lifer, but didn't know the ID.

Mountain Fulvetta (Alcippe peracensis)

Mountain Fulveta

Mountain Fantail - White-throated Fantail (Rhipidura albicollis)

Mountain Fantail

Mountain Bulbul (Hypsipetes mcclellandii)

Mountain Bulbul

Mountain BulbulLocation: Jelai Resort and Hermant Trail, Fraser's Hill, Pahang.


myonlyphoto said...

Tabib, hope all is well, these are very nice and cute birds you captured. Thanks for sharing. Anna :)

rainfield said...

You always have a big day during the holiday.

Phil Slade said...

They are all nicely captured poses Tabib and they might be common in Malaysia but not to me over here in UK. Thanks for sharing

Ari said...

Beautifully shot birds...

holdingmoments said...

Beautiful shots of beautiful birds Tabib. Not common here lol
Loved seeing these.

Ghost said...

You found a fruiting tree. Very good!.

Tinta Publishers said...

Hi, Tabib- I am a publisher crazy about birds- and I have a small but very important request for an image of the Mountain Fulvetta you shot recently during Agong's Birthday. I would like to include the pix in a bird publication I'm preparing in Malay (somewhat a first)... and to be release very very soon (this month)! Time is of real essence. My offer to you from birder to birder is credit acknowledgement and a free copy of the book. Furtehr details available if you can response quickly. Thanks and regards.

Lois said...

Lovely birds!

Joanne Olivieri said...

More fantastic shots. The first and third ones are adorable :)

Redzlan said...

Thanks ALL for your comments.

Tinta Publisher, I have contacted your website and e-mail Mike Chong regarding the photo.