Au revoir Les Bleus - Ciao Azzurri

25 June 2010

Au revoir Les Bleus - Ciao Azzurri

The Blue Birds here are infected with the virus of FIFA World Cup 2010 from South Africa. ;) ;)
Both France and Italy were eliminated from the tournament.

Large Niltava (Niltava grandis decipiens )
Fraser's Hill birds - Large Niltava (leaping from a branch above) and Verditer Flycatcher (sad looking below).

Verditer Flycatcher (Eumyias thalassina)

Lesser Racquet-tailed Drongo
Lesser Racquet-tailed Drongo at Bamboo tree.
Location: Jelai Resort and Hermant Trail, Fraser's Hill, Pahang.
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Jane said...

Beatiful captures:)

P-TER said...

All those birdy's!
You have a beautiful blog!

Laura said...

beautiful birds...such lovely colors.

rainfield61 said...

But the final minutes of the Italy-Slovakia game is very exciting and entertaining.

Regina said...

Pretty amazing!
Happy SWF.
" Regina "

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful birds, Tabib! Great photos! Happy SWF!

Arija said...

Such wonderful colours on those bluebirds! NICE CAPTURES.

gwendolen said...

Adieu Le Blue indeed. Will you do an orange bird for me if/when Holland loses?

Ma.links said...

Great shots!