FH - Full frame Shot

15 May 2011

FH - Full frame Shot

Javan Cuckoo-Shrike (Coracina javensis)
Really frame fill, no crop at all.

Javan Cuckoo-Shrike
Location=Jelai Resort, Fraser's Hill, Pahang.


Dick -Photographer said...

What lens?

Redzlan said...

I rarely get full frame pic with my basic bird lens 400mm f5.6 prime with EOS 50D body.
All EXIF data intact.

rainfield61 said...

Very happy ya!!

I can get some full frame shots on and off. Feel very happy as well.

Happy weekend.

Canon said...

get 800mm and you will get full frame every time

Tank said...

congrats & well done Doc...salam

Anonymous said...

Perfect Capture..love it - Mataziz