Starling with Kelkatu

26 June 2011

Starling with Kelkatu

Starling with Kelkatu

Asian Glossy Starling


Chris said...

Wow these are very impressive pictures Tabib.. Look at this nice red-eye and beautiful color pattern... Gorgeous bird!

rainfield61 said...


Modesto Viegas said...

Well done!!!

Ari said...

Beautiful Images Doc, all the while I thought they only feed on fruits..

Bangchik and Kakdah said...

What a life, to develop wings and fly away... only to be eaten by "mata merah".

Giga said...

Śliczne zdjęcie ptaka o czerwonych oczkach jak koraliki. Pozdrawiam

myonlyphoto said...

Well done Tabib. Nice and crisp.
Anna :)