One hour before IFTAR

09 August 2011

One hour before IFTAR

I went to my usual birding spot one hour before iftar (breaking the fast), and this is what I got. All common birds on the Raub Golf Course.

Crested Mynas in flight
Crested Mynas in flight
Orange-bellied Flowerpecker - male singing
Orange-bellied Flowerpecker - male singing
Yellow-bellied Prinia
Yellow-bellied Prinia
Yellow-vented Bulbuls at on Siam Weed (Chromolaena odorata)
Yellow-vented Bulbuls at on Siam Weed (Chromolaena odorata).


Chris said...

The mynas is wonderful but all of them are exquisite pictures Tabib!

rainfield61 said...

The bulbul and prinia may look the same at the first glance.

mariondejong said...

Wonderful pictures, a real treat!
Thanks for sharing,
Best regards,