Haze and Migrant Birds

02 October 2015

Haze and Migrant Birds

These birds are frequent  visitor at my backyard during the winter / migrant season.
I have searched for it for the past two weeks and found nothing.
Could this haze weather prevent it from returning?
Birds have been shown to use a sun, moon and stars compass, magnetic fields, visual landmarks and sense of smell
Tiger Shrike (Lanius tigrinus)
Brown Shrike below
EDIT (9 Oct. 2015)
Finally, after weeks of hazy weather, the sun shows it self and clear blue sky with white clouds yesterday.
The brown shrike perched on that  wire, but I did bring my camera and telephoto. Shrike, please wait for me!
Look at the Skywatch Friday HERE


s.c said...

Great bird shots and by taking away the background it becomes a kind of encyclopedia illustration. I like that.

s.c said...

Great bird shots and by taking away the background it becomes a kind of encyclopedia illustration. I like that.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Very pretty shots, and nice that you finally got some blue skies!