Pink-necked Green Pigeon - Courtship / mating

21 May 2016

Pink-necked Green Pigeon - Courtship / mating

Pink-necked Green Pigeon (Treron vernans)
Local name: Punai Gading
Engaging in courtship/mating behavior
Two males fighting for one female [(R) edge]

the male on the left won the attention of the female

The new couple

they flew to a secluded spot

The male mounting the female

it was over very quickly. 

courtship display

male on the left.

all green-colored female on the right, note the flash reflection on the eyes 
fly away after finishing the "thing"

Three pigeons


meintheswim said...

Punai n petai . Nice.

Yuyun said...

x pernah tgk green pigeon