Black-billed gull, Mallard, Brown teal, at Lake Taupo
Mallard, and Brown teal at Waiteti stream
Grey duck
on the opposite side river of the bank I saw a black bird, to far for my handphone cameraI search and found the name. download this from Wikipedia - Eurasian blackbird, pic by Juan Emilio
Photograph of the Swamp Harrier (Circus approximans) below credit to Oscar Thomas, young birder from Auckland.
I encountered a Bird of Prey (possibly a Swamp Harrier) eating a road kill while driving a plantation road. The bird flew away when approached, and I didn't have any chance to take a photo.The bird of prey from the website Young Birders New Zealand, matching the bird that I saw that day..
I got a permission to use the bird photo here, in my not for profit blog from Mr. George Hobson, Coordinator of the Young Birders New Zealand. TQ.
at Auckland park -Southern black-backed gull, Immature (below)
Coromandel Shorebird Coast - Waterbirds - Variable Oyster-catcher, Pacific gull, Brown teal (duck), at the Coromandel Peninsular, Tararu beach coastal roadPicture above taken from: Pukorokoro Miranda Shorebird Centre
Pukeo - Australasian swamp-hen
Fan-tail and Kiwi birds at Wai-O-Tapu souvenir shop
I bough this metal plaque from a Chinese souvenir shop at the Queen Street, Auckland.
Kiwi, Takahe, Kokako, Kea, Morepork, Fantail
New Zealand is an expensive place to visit. With Malaysia Ringgit falls in recent months, the exchange rate last week at 1NZD = 3.1 MYR. Their GST is 15%. The petrol prices vary from place to place.
Seronok tengok burung-burung tu bersantai ramai-ramai. kalau kat tempat kita lama dah hilang itik2 tu ya....
Shame that your planned walk in NZ was prevented by the weather - some of our plans were disrupted by landslides!!
Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne
What a fantastic trip you must have had ,and some good birding.
Allthe best Gordon.
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