Rhyothemis phyllis phyllis in flight.
Capturing dragonflies in flight is a challenging task. These yellow-winged dragonflies fly in an erratic pattern when they try to catch prey. Only the male usually patrols the territory in a practicable pattern. I shot about 50 frames for this in-flight dragon. Most of the pictures are blurred out of focus or have no picture at all. There are three keepers and this is the only one worth posting.
Land on Mexican Petunia leaf.
Trithemis aurora (Male), I am lucky to have captured this agile predator trying to catch an insect.
Trithemis aurora, landing on False Bird of Paradise Flower ((Heliconia psittacorum Nickeriensis)
This one is easy, you just pre-focus on the flower and anticipate the landing.
Trithemis aurora (Female), or maybe Neurothemis terminata.
Another challenge is shooting against a bright sky. You have to compensate the exposure to +1 or +2 depending on brightness.
Common Rose (Atrophaneura aristolochiae), on Mexican Petunia flower (Ruellia simplex)
Carpenter Bee (Xylocopa latipes), in flight.
A Carpenter Bee (Xylocopa) in the purple beach Morning Glory Purple flower
Hummingbird Hawk Moth (Macroglossum stellatarum).
We don't have a real hummingbird in Malaysia.
Day flying moth (Dysphania subrepleta)
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