Spotted Dove - courtship mating

13 October 2019

Spotted Dove - courtship mating

Spotted Dove (Spilopelia chinensis) - courtship and mating of the Spotted Dove
Burung terkukur - mengorat dan mengawan
Spotted Dove courtship and mating copulation
Spotted Dove couple
The male on the left side of the above and below pictures. Most authors describe the males and females look alike. These pictures show otherwise, the male shows a darker half collar on the back and sides of the neck. The chest is darker, and the male body is slender.
Spotted Dove courtship and mating copulation
Bowing rutual
Courtship display::: The male head bowing with a coo-coo sound, followed by the female.
Spotted Dove courtship and mating copulation
male chasing the female
Courtship flight display
Spotted Dove courtship and mating copulation
Courtship flight display
Spotted Dove courtship and mating copulation
mid-air dancing
Midair kiss
Spotted Dove courtship and mating copulation
Landing on an electric lamp-post, the male jumped on her back.
Spotted Dove courtship and mating copulation
Female in submission, the male right leg presses on the female head.
Quick cloacal kiss below.
Spotted Dove courtship and mating copulation
cloacal kiss


meintheswim said...

Pic no 4 birds dancing in the air , great shot

Dr Tracy said...

They are well socialized, having been raised in our home as members of our
own family in order for them to become ready to be a member of yours.
They are quite comfortable around all ages, including the elderly and young children.
When you purchase a bird from Us, we are committed to offering lifetime support and guidance to you and your family.

Hand Raised Parrots for Sale, Macaw Parrots for Sale
Macaws are playful and active and they have excited personalities to go along with their sizes.
But this also makes them very challenging pets. They do have the ability to say words and mimic
our speech but it is not as clear as some other pet bird species.
Because they are so intelligent, macaws can be trained. You can start when your pet bird is young,
and work on hand-feeding, teaching your bird to talk or sing, and training your macaw not to nip, bite, or scream.
Text or call +1(512) 643-7439

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blue and goald macaw breeder

Scarlet Macaw

defferent types of macaw available for sale

blue headed macaw for sale

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red bellied macaw

Text or call +1(512) 598-8125