Common Birds of Turkiye

18 March 2023

Common Birds of Turkiye

Pictures of common garden birds taken with the 24-70mm f4, on my recent visit to Turkiye.

a flock of unknown bird at right background.

Eastern Turkey starlings in flight

A pair of tree sparrows on a winterberry tree

Starlings and one pipit? 


NATTY Bulk Carrier ship

Seagulls fly behind the ship and feed on fish that flee from the disturbance of the ship in the water.  

pic above by: Süheyl Burak ,
The Greylag goose and the black duck may be Common Mergansers (male).


 The Gooses feed a cookie on the Kizilirmak River.

Two geese with dried leaves.

The hooded crow (Corvus cornix)
on a wooden platform at the Eminönü – Kadıköy ferry dock.

The Mosque (Çami) near Mados Avanos icecream cafe, over the Kizilirmak river 

starling on the leafless tree.

A laughing dove (Spilopelia senegalensis) walks down the street at Istanbul

Nuruosmaniye Mosque
a flock of Pigeon in front of the Nuruosmaniye Mosque, near the Grand Bazar
Rock Pigeon at  Sultanhanı Caravanserai  gate

A flock of starlings descended from an electric wire near the Ramada Hotel in Cappadocia.

European Shag

Europen Shag swimming on the Bosporus Strait

diving for food

The Eurasian tree sparrow (Passer montanus) forages on a bush in Cappadocia.

European Magpie flew over Cappadocia's unique landscape

Eastern Turkiye starlings and a  lone Eurasian Magpie

Cappadocia Hot air Balloon - 'fairy-chimney' landscape, © Dr. Redzlan A. Rahman

GPS information: - 
Latitude - 38  40.928799  0 (38.682147)
Longitude - 34  49.627102  0 (34.827118)
Altitude - 1104.60 m

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