19 July 2023

Half day birding at Desa Anthurium, Cameron Highlands

I went to the Cameron Highlands recently for a private visit. 
Avolid going up there on Sunday, as all tourist sites are crowded with heavy traffic. I spent a few hours photographing a common highland bird. 
Here are a few pictures captured with a short 400mm f5.6 telephoto lens.

Desa Anthurium, Cameron Highlands, sunrise @ 6:59am

Anthurium flowers; The apartment name may originate from this flower.
This flamingo flower, or elephant ear plant, fetches a high price during the COVID-19 MCO (movement control order) pandemic.
Blue-winged Minla (Minla cyanouroptera)
This rather small (14–15.5 cm) babbler hopped in the pine branches looking for insects.
Blue-winged Minla

Everett’s White-eye (Zosterops everetti)
The white-eye also joins the forage.

Pink Hibiscus and Female Black-throated Sunbird - (Aethopyga saturata)

The mountain fulvetta (Alcippe peracensis)
This mountain bird landed on a Giant/King Fern (Angiopteris evecta) fern leaf.
Cameron Flower Pink day-lily flowers

Jungle Crow makes a loud noise in a tall forest tree.

Hume’s White-eye (Zosterops  auriventer).

Medinilla speciosa flowers Cameron Highland

Mountain Bulbul (Ixos mcclellandii peracensis)

Cameron Murai and  Angel’s Trumpet Flowers

Magpie Robin - male

Cameron Pink daylily flowers

Spotted Dove- adult and juvenile

Cameron Highlands White Eye on the pine tree branch.

Yellow-vented Bulbul

Cameron - Agapanthus africanus (African lily)

Common Myna brings nesting material (grass)

Common Myna is cleaning its beak on a street light metal beam.

Common Tailor bird perched on hibiscus tree.

Spotted Dove drying its feather, morning backlighting shows a nice water droplet.

Plantain Squirrel

birding location

Photographer in action from the 4th-floor balcony.

Cameron Tahi Ayam Lantana camara Flower

Stripe-throated Bulbul - (Pycnonotus finlaysoni)