Brown Shrike in the rain

15 March 2025

Brown Shrike in the rain

These two pictures were taken on 12 January 2025 during the northeast monsoon raining season.
Brown shrike in the rain>
Brown Shrike shaking its body to dry
AI Overview

A long-distance migrant passerine, the Brown Shrike (Lanius cristatus) typically winters in Southeast Asia (Malaysia) and is expected to return to its breeding grounds in northern Asia (like Mongolia and Siberia) as spring approaches.
Brown shrike perched on bamboo tree in the rain
Brown Shrike (Lanius cristatus)

Individuals are sedentary during winter, each occupying a restricted area and exhibiting territorial behaviour. 

Fidelity to Wintering Sites:
Studies have shown that Brown Shrikes often return to the same wintering locations each year, demonstrating high fidelity to these areas. That's why I see this species perch on top of the bamboo every year. in my backyard

Current Date:
As of March 15, 2025, the Brown Shrikes would be expected to be in the process of migrating back north to their breeding grounds.
(info from AI)

How do birds keep their feathers waterproof?
Birds achieve feather waterproofing through a combination of their feather structure and the use of oils from their preen gland, which they apply through a process called preening.
(AI overview)

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