That is why the pictures are noisy/grainy. Never mind, still learning....
I still not sure what is the name of that yellow bird, "burung punai"?? [not that punailah! ;-)]
Pycnonotus goiavier
Merbah Kapur
Common Myna
(Tiong Gembala Kerbau)
Acridotheres tristis

Tiung Sawah -Juvenile

Jungle Myna
(Tiung Sawah)
Acridotheres fuscus

Can you spot the difference from Common Myna?. There is no bare skin around eye,

black-naped oriole
Oriolus chinensis
Dendang Selayang/Kunyit Besar
more info
This web site really help me,
(Kong's Birding Page).
Birding in Malaysia.

Front view & lateral view

Lateral view

Fly away.....
Thanks! This is inetersting page about bird for 'not a bitd lover' like me! heheee
I took photos of myna from my balcony - from far I can tell that it's a gembala kerbau and the singing tell it soo too.
But then when I look closely it's a bit different - it's so black! Then my friend (in England) and I started looking for different type of myna and we came accross your page. Now I can tell that it's 'jungle myna' not common myna that I used to play with back then in the village. :))
Dear Redzlan,
You've got a great blog. keep it up! I used a couple of your photos of Myna birds in my blog at http://tslr.net about wildlife in Kuala Lumpur(nothing to do with slr cameras!), and you have been credited. I hope you don't mind.
thank you so much...i found a bird (black-naped oriole) at my garden and its wing seems broken...right now im keeping it inside the house...really thanks to you....
i m feeding a bird (black-naped oriole)...did u knw about the sickness of it??it refuse 2 eat n chirpp..any idea 2 solve diz??
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