Eurasian Tree Sparrow Feeding Time

20 February 2008

Eurasian Tree Sparrow Feeding Time

Where is the food?

Where is my mom?

Oh, here a lot of rice grain.

Very hungry... waiting for mother.

Waiting, patiencely...

Horray!, here come mother.

Noted the presence of prominent yellow oral flanges. These develop on both sides of the mouth, extending from the corner and tapering towards the tip of the bill. They are temporary enlargement that function as targets for adults feeding the chick.
Reference: from BESGroup website, by YC Wee, (BESGroup Founder (Coordinator) and Site Administrator).


This way son!


Here, I got a grain of rice for you.

Can we share?

Hurry mother!

Hey!, that photographer is watching us.


YC said...

Hi Dr Redzlan, you have another series of bird behaviour, this time on the common Eurasian Tree Sparrow, a bird birders usually ignore. Can I have the priviledge of posting the images in my blog, and any other interesting series that are in yours? As with our practice, we give full credit to the photographer and observer. Thanks.

Redzlan said...

Hi Mr. Wee!,

My son Firdaus (12), took some of the photo.
Actually he is so fond of this bird, and feed it with a rice grains, thrown on the grass near the fence at my backyard. The mother bird pick this grain and feed her baby.
I read about that yellow 'flanges' from your posting (something new to me).
Yes, you can post those images. Infect there are 3 entry of that same bird feeding


YC said...

Many thanks.