Now the ultimate in tripod /support system- the GITZO -
"Le choix de professionnels"
Initially ordered thro Shashiski, but they have no stock of this Carbonfibre 6X systematic tripod. I have no choice but to order it from elsewhere - NatureScape.Net, USA

I have to fax the invoice that shows it was a tripod / camera accessories that should be tax free.
Pos Malaysia was assigned as a forwarding agent.
In the end, no tax was charge and only have to pay RM 49.50 for service charge to them.

Complete with dark forest camo - ready for battle!.
Now if the resulting birds photo are blur or bad, the faults are not with camera or supporting tripod, but the one behind it --> that ME!
Congratulation Mr.Tabib!, on your new gear.
Now already a semi-pro. in just one year of birds photography.
Just add a 500mm f4 IS lens and 40D or 1D Mark III body and you will be a full fledged professional.
salam abang Lan. Wah dah ada camera baru! dan dah mula snap gambar bunga2. Menarik. Gambar2 ni sgt cantik. Mcm jurufoto profesional... Dah laman tak tgk laman ni. Dan lama juga tak ke Raub. Semoga seisi keluarga sejahtera dlm limdunganNya.
Ha..ha!, not semipro, just a hobby.
Very difficult to find free time for birding/photography. Every day working :-(
That 500mm cost 29,000+ malaysian ringgit. My wife will curse me to be a frog if I buy that.
[maybe when my youngest son finish his study/university, I'll get that - meaning another 15 years!]
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