Tongue of Little Spiderhunter (Arachnothera longirostra)

07 July 2008

Tongue of Little Spiderhunter (Arachnothera longirostra)

Nectar feeders (hummingbirds, sunbirds, spiderhunters, & honeycreepers) - tongues may form an elongated 'tube' allowing nectar to be gathered by capillary action (not by suction) or may have brushy tips that 'collect' nectar and permit the bird to essentially lap it up.

Little Spiderhunter (Arachnothera longirostra)
Kelicap Jantung Kecil
Size: 16cm, Weight: 17-19 grams.
Habitat: Forests, forest edge, wooded areas

Feed largely on nectar and tiny insects, spiders.

A bird's bill consists of a bony framework covered by a tough layer of keratin. The keratin layer is
continuously replaced throughout the life of a bird & is just as continuously worn down by eating and
manipulating hard objects. The cutting edges of the beak are the tomia. The bill plays a critical role in food
acquisition &, of course, bill morphology varies with food habits

** Text from: here


Anonymous said...

Jantung pisang. Celur buat kerabu sedap. Tak kerabu, cicah sambal belacan ... :)

Redzlan said...

Yes, "Kerabu Jantung Pisang"

1 biji jantung pisang
1 biji kelapa
2 biji bawang besar
4 biji cili merah
2 biji asam limau nipis
1 jemput udang kering
Garam secukup rasa
Cara membuatnya...

Anonymous said...

He he.. dah jadi blog resipi pulak :)
I suka jantung pisang masak lomak cili api..
BTW betui ke resipi kerabu jantung pisang tu? Pelik sikit nampaknya....

Harshit Singhal said...

Hi sir,
I really enjoyed reading your blog...It is very similar to mine...I am a young birder from India..I am also blogging about Birds...My blog contains postings of birding observations and bird behaviour...Please visit my blog and exchange links with my blog..

Redzlan said...

Hi Mr.Singhal!

I saw my name at your reposting of Barbet feeding from Birds Ecology website.
I have observed the same type of "bird-eat-bird" at my site here:

Anonymous said...

Resipi kerabu tu jenis yang guna santan pekat. I ingat pernah buat kerabu guna santan ni masa dgn Puan Kamaliah dulu (jamuan untuk cikgu, kelab SRT).