Little Spiderhunter (Arachnothera longirostra)
Kelicap Jantung Kecil
Size: 16cm, Weight: 17-19 grams.
Habitat: Forests, forest edge, wooded areas
Feed largely on nectar and tiny insects, spiders.

continuously replaced throughout the life of a bird & is just as continuously worn down by eating and
manipulating hard objects. The cutting edges of the beak are the tomia. The bill plays a critical role in food
acquisition &, of course, bill morphology varies with food habits:
** Text from: here
Jantung pisang. Celur buat kerabu sedap. Tak kerabu, cicah sambal belacan ... :)
Yes, "Kerabu Jantung Pisang"
1 biji jantung pisang
1 biji kelapa
2 biji bawang besar
4 biji cili merah
2 biji asam limau nipis
1 jemput udang kering
Garam secukup rasa
Cara membuatnya...
He he.. dah jadi blog resipi pulak :)
I suka jantung pisang masak lomak cili api..
BTW betui ke resipi kerabu jantung pisang tu? Pelik sikit nampaknya....
Hi sir,
I really enjoyed reading your blog...It is very similar to mine...I am a young birder from India..I am also blogging about Birds...My blog contains postings of birding observations and bird behaviour...Please visit my blog and exchange links with my blog..
Hi Mr.Singhal!
I saw my name at your reposting of Barbet feeding from Birds Ecology website.
I have observed the same type of "bird-eat-bird" at my site here:
Resipi kerabu tu jenis yang guna santan pekat. I ingat pernah buat kerabu guna santan ni masa dgn Puan Kamaliah dulu (jamuan untuk cikgu, kelab SRT).
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