Common Backyard Birds and Dragonfly

07 September 2008

Common Backyard Birds and Dragonfly

Female Magpie Robin at My Backyard in Raub MalaysiaOriental Magpie Robin (Copsychus saularis) ~ Female

White-breated Waterhen at my backyard in Raub MalaysiaWhite-breasted Waterhen (Amourornis phoenicurus)

a couple of White-breasted Waterhen at Raub Malaysiaa couple

Red DragonflyDragonfly - Orthetrum testaceum


Amanda said...

I love to see birds from all over the world. I love your blog and have learned so much from it.

Amila Salgado said...

I am pleased to see you focussing your big birdie lenses on a dragonfly for a change. We have a similar looking one named Rhodothemis rufa.

Nick S said...

I'm glas you posted on my blog or I wouldn't have found your one. What beautiful bird you have there !
Great photos :-)

oldcrow61 said...

So many beautiful birds. I do like that dragonfly.