Brown Shrike another Migratory Bird at my back yard

12 October 2008

Brown Shrike another Migratory Bird at my back yard

This bird breeds across central and eastern Asia. It is migrate wintering south to India and southeast Asia (and Malaysia)
Not a good shots, but just for my record.
Brown Shrike another Migratory Bird at my backyard in Raub Malaysia with Framed
Brown Shrike (Lanius cristatus)Tirjup Coklat at Raub MalaysiaBrown Shrike (Lanius cristatus)
Local name Tirjup Coklat
Size (cm) 20
Brown Shrike (Lanius cristatus)Tirjup Coklat at Raub Malaysia


Vickie said...

Actually, I think they are nice shots. You get a real sense of the bird. Its fun to see migrants passing through.

Unknown said...

Askm Saudara Redzlan,
Your birding shot ,beautiful.Not all photographers have skill to do birding & apa lagi nama species burong.

Chrissy said...

I think these are fantastic photos. Beautiful photos.

Amila Salgado said...

We should have got this one by now. I have to take a visit to my local wetland to see it for myself.