Bunga Mempelam, Mango flowers

03 November 2008

Bunga Mempelam, Mango flowers

Mangifera sp. Flowers - one morning with light rain

Mango Flower Mangifera sp. Bunga Mangga Mempelam
Today's Flowers Logo


Lana Gramlich said...

That's a great shot, Tabib! I love the short depth of focus.

DeniseinVA said...

Wonderful photograph. I have enjoyed it and all the other great photos on your blog. Thank you!

Lizete Vicari said...

Lindas flores desta árvore!
Adorei os pássaros. Um beijo. lili

Anonymous said...

I've never seen the mango flower before. It's lovely. This is a very beautiful photo with the rain drops and the rain coming down!

Norm said...

nice capture of a mango flower...

Anonymous said...

That is beautiful captured! Very nice color too!~

Mine is up too, HERE. If you get a chance;) Happy TF!~

Anonymous said...

oh wow! this is awesome!


Anonymous said...

I love this shot! Especially with the faint light rain in the background :)

Arija said...

Never having been to the tropics at the right time of year, this is my first sighting of mango flowers, and such a lovely photo too.