Silver-breasted Broadbill - Bird Icon of Bukit Tinggi, Pahang

28 February 2009

Silver-breasted Broadbill - Bird Icon of Bukit Tinggi, Pahang

Finally, I got my dream bird captured digitally, after failed attempted during the last Chinese New Year because of rain.
This morning the weather was perfect for bird photography. That place was very quiet with only me and Adrian Lim a.k.a. wmw998 (expert bird photographer from K. Lumpur) .
If Silver-eared Mesia is the bird icon of Fraser's Hill, this Silver-breasted Broadbill surely an icon for Bukit Tinggi.
Silver-breasted Broadbill Silver-breasted Broadbill (Serilophus lunatus) - female
Silver-breasted Broadbill
Silver-breasted Broadbill There are so many of this bird at the Botanical Garden area. Not afraid of human during this breeding season. I was in a hurry for Friday Prayer, so I didn't have a time to find their nest.
This bird landed about 3 meters from my head, on a wooden beam of a nursery house there, the full frame photo with a very little crop.
Silver-breasted Broadbill Tomorrow I will show another Lifer that I got there.

I submitted this bird picture to the Bird Photography Weekly at
Click the above Logo to participate.


Quantum Tiger said...

A very pretty bird. Lots of character!

Unknown said...

These are wonderful pictures you took.

Arija said...

These are absolutely adorable!

Heidi said...

That is a very beautiful bird! Congrats on the lifer and very nice pics of it :)

Anonymous said...

Superb captures of the Silver-breasted Broadbill Tabib! Absolutely gorgeous!

The second and last shots are simply breathtaking! Congrats on the lifer too.

Jordan Sitorus said...

Oh wow..Beautiful bird! congrats

Anonymous said...

Cery well done! What a great little fellow. I can see why it is an icon.

Chris said...

HI Tabib,
Thanks for visiting my blog. This bird is very cute and colorful and it looks like all the pictures you are taking are full of colorful birds... Truly amazing...