Orange-headed Thrush at Bukit Tinggi, Pahang

01 March 2009

Orange-headed Thrush at Bukit Tinggi, Pahang

Beauty of God's Creation

Orange-headed Thrush (Zoothera citrina)
Orange-headed Thrush (Zoothera citrina)Orange-headed Thrush (Zoothera citrina) - male
Orange-headed Thrush (Zoothera citrina)I was in dyspnoea after climbing the steep hill carrying heavy camera gear, when I meet Adrian Lim photographing this Thrush. He has been observing that bird for one hour at that flower shrub, so I join him for a few minutes. Thanks Adrian for showing me this beauty!

I submitted this bird picture to the Bird Photography Weekly at
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ivars krafts said...

That is such a beautiful bird! You do such a great job of capturing them. Thank you for sharing your part of the world with us.

Vickie said...

He has that thrush look. What gorgeous colors!

Day4plus said...

What beautiful and colorful birds you have in your part of this great world. MB

animtreebird said...

Very beautiful bird. Nice photo. :)))

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photo Tabib!

Rich colored bird and so beautiful!

Wendy said...

That is a very striking bird. Thanks for your efforts in getting these great images.

Bob Kaufman said...

A beautifully colored birds that you captured so well, Tabib.

mick said...

Beautiful bird and great photo.

Heidi said...

That's a beautiful bird. Definitely was worth the work to get to it :)

Anonymous said...

And thanks for showing us!

Kim said...

I have never seen that bird before. So colorful and gorgeous!

Neil said...

A very beautiful bird great photos.

Anonymous said...

Great capture Tabib! I love the gorgeous bird and your composition is excellent!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! I haven't had a chance to scroll through your bird pix yet, but I'm sure you must get some beautifully colored birds. I've spent the morning watching the grouse and blue jays haggle over food. Their colors are definitely not this vivid!