Asoka Flower at Jeram Besu, Raub

09 March 2009

Asoka Flower at Jeram Besu, Raub

for more flowers from all over the World click HERE

Asoka Tree Flowers at Jeram Besu RaubSaraca indica
Asoka Tree Flowers at Jeram Besu
Rapids at Jeram BesuTea coloured water, rapids at Jeram Besu, Raub
Jeram Besu Rapids


Anonymous said...

It is interesting to see it blooming off of the tree. Is it an epiphyte?

Redzlan said...

No, I just choose one isolated flower from the trunk (that make it look like epiphyte). It a big tree with a lot of flowers, orange and scarlet bloom in January and February that cover all over the tree, very beautiful to watch.

Here reference from Wikipedia:_
"Saraca L. is a genus in the family Fabaceae (legume family) of about seventy plant species of tree native to the lands from India, China and Ceylon to Malaysia and Celebes".

dot said...

Sounds like a very unusual tree. Nice pictures and the rapids look scary!

Lara said...

this is such an interesting plant! never seen something like this!

Anonymous said...

Huh, how come I've never seen those blooms before? Gotta open my eyes wider ... Beautiful!

Arija said...

The first shot captures amazing light on the flowers so well framed by the dark trunk. The second is brilliant too.

RA said...

Beautiful photos of mother earth. Flowers and streams are so calming and relaxing. Best wishes.