Rhododendron Flowers at Bukit Tinggi - Today's Flower

02 March 2009

Rhododendron Flowers at Bukit Tinggi - Today's Flower

I found this Rhododendron Spp., pink red flowers at the road side while birding. The petals are very big compare to Straits Rhododendron that I usually see.

Today's Flowers Logo


RA said...

Beautiful flower and even more amazing bird images. Thank you for stopping by again at my blog. Best wishes!

Judy said...

I love the contrast of the pink flowers and the black background!!
And that bird with the silver slash across his throat is wonderful! It is great when birds are tame enough to come close, like that!

Arija said...

Beautifully captured, just like your lovely birds.

DeniseinVA said...

So beautiful Tabib, a delightful photo, thank you.

lilly said...

You always have amazing photos on your blog. I loved them all.

Jama said...

I love the colours, it's so pretty!

Luiz Santilli Jr said...

Hi Tabib

Wonderful flower1
Very well taken!
Great post, thanks for sharing!
