"wheat-sower" from Japan - Mugimaki Flycatcher - That's my World!

17 March 2009

"wheat-sower" from Japan - Mugimaki Flycatcher - That's my World!

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My Lifer - Sunday shooting at Bukit Tinggi, Pahang. I joined the bird photographers from Penang and Singapore. Meet all the familiar online names (TSChein, Alagan, Adrian Lim, et all). They are all veteran and experience bird photographers with big lenses aka bazookas (meaning 500, 600 & 800mm).
It was really fun shooting this little beauty. We stand waiting in the middle of the road, with those big lenses and tripod for the bird to perch at the lower clean branches, just outside the road's steel barrier. All the cameras already set and prefocus . While waiting we have a chat and look at the bird reference book. Suddenly somebody whispering "there, there Mugimaki!!". Rap-tap-tap-tap, the sound of cameras with 10fps rattling in unison with flash blazing. Surprisingly the bird just stands still posing for us, for a few seconds, so that everybody has enough full framed portrait to bring home, (and to show off at the birds forum). ;-)

Few of bird photographers - pictures with Nokia N70.
Left: Sree and Chien (and Alagan big 800mm). Right: Adrian (in green shirt), Low (Dominator) and Reno. Can you see Adrian's Porche sport rim there! ;)

Mugimaki FlycatcherMugimaki Flycatcher (Ficedula mugimaki)
Mugimaki FlycatcherMugimaki FlycatcherAll my images are just for my record, croped (not full frame) and not sharp enough, not worth posting at birds forum. ;-)


Anonymous said...

You have a nice lifer here with wonderful images. Thanks for showing us.

Vernon said...

Yeah, great pictures!

zzlaloq said...

if i am there,i would feel like privateer(prebet) amongst the generals (500-800mm) with my 300mm cheapo lens..

1st pic is sharp and full frame too..

Amila Salgado said...

That looks so much like the Kasmir Flycatcher of the same genus we get wintering here.

Sounds like a rewarding trip.

Jordan Sitorus said...

Wow, are those guys the same people terrorizing Sandakan a few weeks ago with their bazookas??

Great shot!

Amila Salgado said...

oops! I meant 'Kashmir'

SandyCarlson said...

These are wonderful. The birds are gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

What an adorable critter. I'm learning so much now about birds with you bloggers who love to photograph them. Thanks so much.

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

This tiny Mugimaki flycatcher is gorgeous. Is it a relative of the Robin redbreast? You do love the birds don't you Tabib?

J said...

I think that little dude is enjoying the attention. Perhaps he's considering a career change to catwalk model!

Unknown said...

Another great shot by you,beautiful.Thanks for sharing.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Tabib: That was a neat place to capture these neat shots of the beautiful flycatcher.

UKMBF Dharma Group said...

I didn't know that birding enthusiasts also lug around bazooka paparazi lens with them! Sound like an interesting outing.

The 1st pic of the Mugimaki Flycatcher looks really good, Tabib!

Thanks for leaving your comment on my blog.

Sylvia K said...

Really great photos and beautiful birds! Love the colors! Thanks for sharing your world!

Louise said...

That is a sweet little bird. I love your photos!

Anonymous said...

Lovely birds! I love when animals take space in our world...
Warm greetings from Africa,

ivars krafts said...

Don't underestimate your talent. These are beautiful shots!