Stork-billed Kingfisher - birding with new buddy

17 May 2009

Stork-billed Kingfisher - birding with new buddy

I saw this beautiful Blue-eared Kingfisher posted by jhseow at PhotoMalaysia birds forum. He said this photos was photograph by his brother at Bukit Koman Raub. I contact his brother and we meet for one hour birding/bird photography yesterday. He know a lot of birds location in Raub, so we went to Cheroh at Chegu Yusof fish farm. Tean said he can guarantee that we can see Stork-billed Kingfisher there. Sure enough we managed to see that beautiful bird, the biggest kingfisher in Malaysia at 37cm long. My Lifer, thank you Tean.
Blue-Eared KingFisherLunch time - Blue-eared Kingfisher (Alcedo meninting) - image by Mr. Tean

Stork-Billed Kingfisher
Stork-billed Kingfisher (Halcyon capensis)
 Stork-billed Kingfisher
 Stork-billed KingfisherThis bird underparts is golden-orange-yellow in colour, so the local name is Pekaka Emas, Pekaka = Kingfisher, Emas = gold
 Stork-billed Kingfisher

Have a look for more bird pictures at the Bird Photography Weekly @ Birdfreak.


Hasyimi Adam said...

Assalamualaikum doc,
Beautiful shot of stork-billed kf. So did you get the blue eared too. I heard they say the blue eared is the most difficult to get.

Hasyimi Adam said...

Assalamualaikum doc,
Beautiful shots of sbkf. so did you get the blue eared too?. I heard they say the blue eared is the most elusive one but not at Mr tean's place.

Chris said...

Wow, wordless Tabib. These pictures are just amazingly beautiful. Well done.

Redzlan said...

No I didn't get that small blue-eared. According to Tean, he waited for four hours at the small stream to get that elusive beauty.
I was more that happy to get the bigger cousin.

Glennis said...

Huge bill that birds got, very pretty kingfisher colours. Great photos.

Unknown said...

The image of the blue eared is truly amazing.

Madibirder said...

Assalaamualaikum Doc.
Forgive me if I'm wrong but I don't think it's Blue eared kingfisher. The colours at the ears and cheeks are orange, meaning to say it could be a Common Kingfisher.But still, is a very beautiful bird.Congrats to Tean.

Wai Yien said...

beautiful Blue-eared Kingfisher, great shot

Redzlan said...

Ha,ha!. Look like Tean KF create more attention. ;) . (I know that bird is very difficult to get).
I have search the net. That small beard is a JUVENILE Blue-eared KF. (ref: Oriental Bird Image). Common KF colour is more of greenish and for Blue-eared more intense cobalt-blue. The juvenile specimen does not have blue feather to cover the ear, as this Tean image.

Madibirder said...

Good research Doc. Yes i agree, It's a Blue-Eared KF. I'm learning!

Anonymous said...

I’m always amazed at the color of your birds. What fun it must be to be a wildlife photographer in your area. The colors and variety are unparalleled.

MaineBirder said...

I love Kingfishers and this one is so colorful. beautiful photos Tabib!

animtreebird said...

Very beautiful birds. Great photos of them. :))) Love Kingfisher birds a lot myself. :)))

mick said...

Great photo of a very beautiful bird.

Dawn Fine said...

Very ..Very cool.Beautiful bird! awesome shot!

Neil said...

Beautiful looking birds

Kelly said...

Wow! This bird is crazy beautiful. I love his oversized bill...everything on him is colorful...

Brad Myers said...

They are some beautiful birds, I guess we always want what we don't have. Awesome captures.

Larry Jordan said...

I love Kingfishers Tabib and yours are truly incredible. All I can do is drool over your beautiful captures of these two birds.

Thank you for sharing them.

Christopher said...

Simply stunning - I really love your photography. Always fantastic!

Jordan Sitorus said...

Great Stork-billed kf shot Tabib. Congrats!

Unknown said...

The image of the blue eared is truly amazing.