SkyWatch Friday at Monas Jakarta

05 June 2009

SkyWatch Friday at Monas Jakarta

This is the first time that I shot "Skywatch Friday" pictures ON Friday (29/5/09).
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Monas Jakarta
Monumen Nasional (Monas) at Jakarta, Indonesia
Monas Jakarta
Monas Jakarta
Monas JakartaMy family went for a short holiday at Jakarta and Bandung, Indonesia over the last weekend.
Monas is a must see site for the traveler in Jakarta, stand at 132 m and topped with a torch that covered with 35 kilograms of gold.


DeniseinVA said...

A magnificent monument. Thank you for sharing it. I enjoy your photos very much.

erin said...

beautiful monument...reminds me of a topiary in a giant's garden.
thanks for sharing tabib.
have a lovely weekend.

Anonymous said...

Oh my, is it time for SkyWatch again? Sorry for not commenting much this week, I usually hit your blog during lunch at work and sometimes I have trouble commenting.

This is a really interesting structure. :)

Sylvia K said...

Magnificent memorial! Really marvelous shots. It's stunning against the lovely skies! Have a great weekend, Tabib!

Baruch said...

Very impressive!

Eric(NL) said...

Nice skywatch entry here!!!
Have a nice Skywatch Friday

Greetings from the Netherlands

Arija said...

I like the sweep of the hedge toward the monument in the second shot.

Unknown said...

a stunning monument.

Regina said...

Beautiful skies.

Sanna said...

I like the second photo the most, lovely greens. =)

Unknown said...

That is a very cool monument !!

I like the last shot in particular . Is that one of the gardeners in front?

sheshel said...

Monas is very beautiful at night...
I Love it...