Bulbul and Banana

26 August 2009

Bulbul and Banana

Wordless Wednesday LogoBulbul

Yellow-vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus goaivier)

Wordless Wednesday Logo


Chris said...

Hi Tabib,
The first one is amazing. I have the feeling that the second one is a bit blurr! What a gorgeous bird anyway.

Dora said...

Birdie: aiyo, so many of them are too ripe. Okie, i will pick this yellow. Hope it tastes well.

Bernie said...

Great shot!!

Mine is up as well at AussiePomm...

Have a GREAT WW!!

kat said...

great shots...happy WW.

Unknown said...

Beautiful shot of the Yellow-vented Bulbul

Joanne said...

Nice capture :) I bet the bird had a piece of the banana.

Happy WW!

zzlaloq said...

no bird takes a peck yet?

rainfield61 said...

The same bunch of banana manage to attract both myna and bulbul. They should be very delicious.

Madibirder said...

This banana you have to goreng (fry) first, They won't wait for that!