Birds and Nature Photography in Malaysia: Many kind of PIPIT and CIAK

10 August 2009

Many kind of PIPIT and CIAK

In Malay the word 'Pipit' is a general term that cover many birds that sing a song "pit-pit-pit".
There are six Pipits in Lonchura sp, and I have only photographed three of them.
(another 3 in my wanted list are: (i) Black-headed Munia/Chesnut Munia (Lonchura malacca) -seen at Kemensah but no photo, (ii) White-bellied Munia (Lonchura lucogastra), and (iii) Dusky Munia (Lonchura fuscans) - only in Sabah & Sarawak (endemic)

(1) Pipit Pinang - Scaly-breasted Munia (Lonchura punctulata)
Scaly-breasted  Munia
the Juvenile Pipit Pinang
Juvenile Scaly-breasted Munia

(2) Pipit Tuli - White-rumped Munia (Lonchura striata)
White-rumped Munia

(3) Pipit Uban - White-headed Munia (Lonchura maja)
White-headed Munia
the Juvenile Pipit Uban
White-headed Munia - Juvenile
The is the only Pipit that has an English name- Paddyfield Pipit (Anthus rufulus) - but Malay called it Ciak Bendang
Paddyfield Pipit

This is what Malay called Ciak Rumah - Eurasian Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus)
Ciak Rumah
Ciak RumahThis is another CIAK - Ciak Tempua - Baya Weaver (Ploceus philippinus)
Female Baya Weaver with food