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This Eagle is a resident Bird of Prey at the small hill near Raub Golf Course, waiting patiently to dive for a meal.

Changeable Hawk Eagle (Spizaetus cirrhatus)- Dark Morph

Looking at passing birds

Helang Hindek
Lovely bird and sky!
Great profile shot, but also watching the passing bird.
A great predator well captured. I like the first one "scanning the field" for some meal.
Incredible shots Tabib... His bill is very impressive as well as his size. he is probably a terrific predator. These are gorgeous shots. Congrats. Thanks for passing by on my Pbase gallery!
Great second photo to look at the passing by bird.
nice collection of birds, flowers and insects you have. I just came back from a walk around my kampung but didn't snap anything.. seems like going to rain this morning. Have a nice day Tabib.
What a magnificent creature!
interesting looking bird
Sydney - City and Suburbs
Marvelous shots as always, Tabib! Interesting bird -- but then most of yours are to me because I've never seen many of them before!
Great post! Have a great weekend!
Beautiful bird!
The eagles look so serious, like they are studying something carefully.
interesting, with the white sky almost like a graphic...
Love your eagle shots, especially the watching shot.
Nature in the Ozarks
Awesome Eagle, and a great sighting.
The hawk looks much like a type we have here in Texas. Well captured.
the first photo is very beautiful! It's a beautiful bird!
thanks for your coments, this bird is very crazy, is a beautiful capture. comgratulations.
Nice one Redzlan.
Superb - I saw this morph at KSNR
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