Jade and Silver Birds of Fraser's Hill

19 October 2009

Jade and Silver Birds of Fraser's Hill

I have been searching this green bird for quite sometime. The caretaker of Jelai Resort told me that 'Murai Hijau' can be found in front of his resort, but you must be very early - before 7.00am!. I arrived there at 7.20am, setup my gear in the very misty fogy weather. Greater Racquet-tailed Drongo flew onto the wire cable. I sat my camera at +2 EV compensation and took a few shots. All turn out white, flash accentuated the fog.
Suddenly the large green bird with chirpy song came foraging just in front of me, about 15 feet away. Wow!.. this is the bird I have been searching for so long. I all the excitement, I fired a burst of shots. Forgetting the camera +2 setting, it turn out all over exposed. As luck was on my side, that Jade Bird came back, this time I was ready with correct set-up and gun blazing!
Full framed shots, no crop at all in the first picture. (Rarely that I got wild bird captured in full framed, except for yellow-vented bulbul.)
Magpie Robin
The Common Green Magpie (Cissa chinensis)
Magpie Robin'Gagak Gunung' feeding on longhorn beetle
Green Magpie

Silver-Eared Mesia
Silver-eared Mesia (Leiothrix argentauris tahanensis)
Silver-Eared Mesia
Have a look for more bird pictures at the Bird Photography Weekly @ Birdfreak.


Precious said...

This green bird is indeed a winner. So cute!

Wilma said...

Tabib - the common green magpie photo is fabulous! Can you please email me at wilmalingle@yahoo.com so I can show you what I did with you image using Picasa?


Anonymous said...

Love that first shot Tabib. The colours of this bird are fantastic. I am so happy you were able to find it so up close and personal. Beautiful......

Madibirder said...

Green magpie. wowwwww.................

Splendid Little Stars said...

awesome birds! How lucky you are/were!

Regina said...

Another wonderful and amazing capures.

hamba said...

salam, tuan,

very interesting blog!

love nature

Chris said...

Hi Tabib,
Wow these two bird are really beautiful and you got nice shots of them... The first green one is my favorite on this et!!

Lois said...

What fabulous looking birds! I love those shots and the colors are amazing.

kbguy said...

That's a colorful bird. I enjoy watching all the photos u taken. They look nice and lovely.

Neil said...

Beautiful colours in your bird photos and to be that close is great.

mick said...

Beautiful birds and (from your next post) it looks to be a fascinating location.

Larry Jordan said...

Both the Green Magpie and the Silver-eared Mesia are gorgeous. Nice shooting Tabib. I'm glad you finally got it and it even came back to you for more photos.

Wai Yien said...

A good and fruitful trip. Well done Doc.