Cat and Hen

07 November 2009

Cat and Hen

It rain every day for the past two weeks (November and December are rainy season here), so very hard to go out for birding/photography.
This domesticated birds will do for today. ;)

Hen and rooster

If you got no bird to photograph, you just shot what ever that came in front of you.
White cat


Quilt Works said...

What a neat photo of a rooster dance! Great catch!

Lois said...

How cute!

eileeninmd said...

I love the rooster photo. It is a great capture!

Lindy said...

Great capture of the rooster and hen. The cat looks like it has an attitude but when I clicked to enlarge the photo, I can see it is just the markings that give it that appearance.

myonlyphoto said...

Tabib two great captures. Love the hen and the rooster one a lot. Anna :)

tony said...

Nice shot of the cock and hen the cat looks like its stalking something?

Amila Salgado said...
